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First aid is the first assistance or treatment given in case of emergency, injury, or sudden illness before the arrival of an ambulance, qualified doctor, or medical person, before arriving at a facility that can provide professional medical care. Because of the accident, disaster or civil strife people suffer injuries that require urgent care and healthcare facilities.


Aim –


The aims of first aid are to preserve life, to prevent the worsening of one’s medical condition, promote recovery, and to help to ensure safe transportation to the nearest healthcare facility.


Topics covered -

-CORONA - Personal Safety & hygiene

- Fractures

- Burn

- Cut and Wounds

- Extreme Temperature

- Bites and Stings

- Injuries

- Chocking

- CPR- Recovery Position

- Emergency Situations




The first step in any emergency is the recognition of the problem and providing help. When in doubt or when someone is seriously injured or ill, you should always activate the emergency response system by calling 112 in India, or your own locality’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) number. If you’re not sure how serious the situation is, the EMS operator will ask you a series of questions to determine the severity of the situation.


Remain on the line until additional help arrives, or until the 112/EMS operator tells you to hang up. Emergency system dispatchers can guide you through the steps of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), using an automated external defibrillator (AED), or delivering basic care until additional help arrives.


Whether you are at home, work, or school, know where the first aid kit and the AED are kept and be familiar with their contents. Know how to activate the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in your area. Be aware of any policies in the workplace regarding medical emergencies.


After determining the problem, the next step in providing help is to determine the responsiveness of the injured or ill person. The best way to determine this is to tap the person and talk loudly to them: “Are you okay?” After determining responsiveness, yell for help. Look for any medical identifications, such as a necklace or a bracelet. This may provide a valuable clue to the cause of the situation.




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